ModernPrimula - Dev update 2

Since the last update, I have worked on the frontend, specifically in regards to when to show the MFA prompt, loading screen, Employment select etc.

I am happy that I can share that I have managed to somewhat succeed in structuring everything right and that everything is showing and disappearing when it should!

I have also optimized some aspects of the site (backend and frontend) to load and work a lot faster than what it did previously (around 44% according to tests)!

I could potentially change the structure and make it log the user into primula before they configure the times etc, but then I would run into some new errors in regards to the time of execution (puppeteer waiting for inputs to be declared etc), but I will see how that change would impact the whole project, and see if the pros outweigh the cons.

Now all that's left is some more styling, presenting the data in a nice template and then some more error handling in regards to the puppeteer logic.

Once that's done, it's pretty much just the launch left!

So what I will do now is that I am going to figure out if I can curl the URL with the schema to see if that will improve the response rate!

Anyways; archways404 out, peace!