ModernPrimula APP - A new chapter

Hi again, been a while...


ModernPrimula (the website) was essentially ready to ship, but I overlooked a major design flaw -> cost of the server.

So initially I thought that 0.5GB ram would be fine to run the application, and yes it works, a little slow but it works. However I had forgotten about the whole docker-container aspect. Just building the containers took ages, and I mean ages. I had to cancel them after they had tried to build for 3h without any goal in sight, and upgrading to a bigger server was out of the question when I saw the costs.

So now what?

Well I went back to the drawing board and came up with the following idea:

Instead of trying to do everything on the server side, why not do it as I originally did on the user side?

That way I do not need to manage any data on my end and I do not have the same server costs!

So I got started, porting my existing application into electron and creating some new endpoints on my api to issue & verify product-keys.

Now with a few tweaks and some modification to the UI, I am happy to say that the code works and runs fine, and the last step is to present the data that has been submitted neatly and then it is time for release!

I managed to implement a check for updates, download and installing updates etc so that the user do not need to uninstall or remove the old program and install a new program every new update.

I have also created an endpoint on my API to be able to send out status updates (ex "Primula is unavailable", "We are aware of issues" etc which is neat!

I have also created a UI on my website to interact with the messages, aka to be able to add, edit and or delete messages!

So yeah sorry for the long wait, but at the very least I am able to finally share some good news with you all!

archways404 out, peace! :)